Academic Papers and Reports of Interest:

Artificial Intelligence Policy: A Primer and Roadmap (28 page pdf; updated October 19, 2017) – Ryan Calo (University of Washington School of Law)

AI Now 2017 Report (36 page pdf; October 18, 2017) – Alex Campolo, New York University; Madelyn Sanfilippo (New York University); Meredith Whittaker (Google Open Research and New York University); and Kate Crawford (Microsoft Research and New York University)

Using Targeted Advertising for Personal Surveillance and related paper (12 page pdf; October 18, 2017) – Paul Vines, Franziska Roesner, and Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington)

I Never Signed Up For This! Privacy Implications of Email Tracking and related paper (18 page pdf; September 28, 2017) – Steven Englehardt, Jeffrey Han, and Arvind Narayanan (Princeton University)

Is the First Amendment Obsolete? (29 page pdf; September 2017) – Tim Wu (Columbia Law School)

The Pluralist Model of Speech Regulation: Free Speech in the Algorithmic Society – Big Data, Private Governance, and New School Speech Regulation and related paper (65 page pdf; October 13, 2017) – Jack Balkin (Yale Law School)


Pressure for Regulating Online Speech Related to Terrorism (updated 03.07.2016)

The Latest:

Government Enlists Tech Giants to Fight ISIS Messaging (February 25, 2016) – CNN

Did Congress Immunize Twitter Against Lawsuits for Supporting ISIS? (January 22, 2016) ; also (i) Tweeting Terrorists, Part I: Don’t Look Now But a Lot of Terrorist Groups are Using Twitter, (ii) Part II: Does it Violate the Law for Twitter to Let Terrorist Groups Have Accounts? and (iii) Part III: How Would Twitter Defend Itself Against a Material Support Prosecution? (February 14, 2016) – Zoe Bedell and Benjamin Wittes at LawFare

Can Twitter Materially Support ISIS While Actively Working to Defeat It? (February 19, 2016) – J.M. Berger at LawFare

Previously – Law Professors Propose Regulating Dangerous Speech:

Though apparently favored by law professors Eric Posner (University of Chicago) and Cass Sunstein (Harvard), a balancing test for first amendment review of laws targeting “dangerous speech” (that does not otherwise pose a clear and present danger) seems like both an overreaction and a misguided idea:

ISIS Gives Us No Choice but to Consider Limits on Speech – Law professor Eric Posner at Slate

Islamic State’s Challenge to Free Speech – Law professor Cass Sunstein at BloombergView


ISIS, Fear, and the Freedom of Speech – Geoffrey Stone

News Report:

ISIS Influence on Web Prompts Second Thoughts on First Amendment – New York Times

See also:

Senator Feinstein’s “Requiring Reporting of Online Terrorist Activity Act” (pdf; 3 pages)

White House Seeks to Enlist Silicon Valley to ‘Disrupt Radicalization’ – Guardian

Lawmakers Want Social Media Companies to Report Terrorists – Washington Post

The White House Asked Social Media Companies to Look for Terrorists. Here’s Why They’d #Fail – Jenna McLaughlin at The Intercept

How a ‘Digital Surge’ Can Help Beat Islamic State – Jared Cohen (founder and director of Google Ideas and advisor to the executive chairman of Alphabet Inc.) op-ed in the Los Angeles Times

Google’s Chairman Wants Algorithms to Censor the Internet for Hate Speech – Quartz, reacting to Eric Schmidt’s New York Times op-ed: Eric Schmidt on How to Build a Better Web

Terrorists Mock Bids to End Use of Social Media – New York Times

And in Europe:

Criminalize Websites that Refuse to Delete Terrorist Content, say MEPs – CIO
