Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Resources:

The Coming AI Hackers (pdf; 54 pages: April 2021) – cybersecurity expert, Bruce Schneier.

European Union’s Proposal for a Regulation Laying Down Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) – (pdfs at the link: the 108-page proposal and a 17-page annex: April 21, 2021).

Andreessen Horowitz’s AI Playbook and AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning: A Primer (video: 45 minutes)

An AI Reading List — From Practical Primers to Sci-Fi Short Stories; the best reading on AI, as recommended by the experts – The Verge; part of The Verge’s The State of AI in 2019

Andrew Ng’s AI For Everyone – The Definitive Starting Block for AI Novices and AI for Everyone at

A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning Part I and Part II (from

Machine Learning for Humans (Vishal Maini: strategy & communications at DeepMindAI)

Artificial Intelligence Podcast (Lex Fridman)

Fifty AI Experts to Follow on Twitter (list by Cognilytica)

Google’s The Launchpad applied machine learning “best practices” website

The UC Berkeley Course for 2019 called Introduction to Deep Learning has released their official textbook as an online resource. In addition to the online notebooks, the course also offers a comprehensive playlist of lecture videos

Fairness and Machine Learning: Limitations and Opportunities – an online work-in-process textbook by Solon Barocas, Moritz Hardt, Arvind Narayanan

AI Now Institute and their annual reports and other publications

Global AI Policy Database from Charlotte Stix (Coordinator for the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence of the European Commission)

Artificial Intelligence: What Every Policymaker Needs to Know from the Center for a New American Security

Princeton’s Dialogues on AI and Ethics Case Studies

Superintelligence: The Idea That Eats Smart People by Maciej Ceglowski (video: 45 minutes) – “A skeptical view on the seductive, apocalyptic beliefs that prevent people in tech from really working to make a difference”

The Power of Self-Learning Systems (video: YouTube, 64 minutes) presentation by Demis Hassabis, Co-Founder & CEO, Google DeepMind

Mr. Robot – a profile of AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton (Toronto Life)

Former Head of Google China Foresees an AI Crisis—and Proposes a Solution (IEEE Spectrum) and Who Needs Democracy When You Have Data – Here’s How China Rules Using Data, AI, and Internet Surveillance (MIT Technology Review)
